Francisco T. Martinez
iMilDotCalc Available for Sale
MilDotCalc is now available on the Mac App Sto...
Continue readingFarewell
My son's remains were put to rest yesterday in the Dallas/Fort Worth National Cemetery. It was military burial with full honors. Just before we parted to the hollow ground we were given over medal...
Continue readingMil Dot Calculation Software
As many of you know, I have an interest in long range shooting. Here in Texas, there are quite a few shooting ranges that sport...
Continue readingPaco's Blog
Departures and Arrivals
With every birth in this world there is a new hope. My friends Jay and Kristina gave birth yesterday to a lovely baby girl they named Eleanor Brook Dugan. Congratulations!
I did manage to get into the US Air Force Reserves and have attended my first Unit Training Assembly (UTA). I am now waiting to attend Tech School so I am still doing a lot of physical training and practicing all other relevant military skills.
A lot of you commented on my previous blog entry. I truly appreciate ALL the comments left on that entry. Ramon Arroyo �Monche�, you are like brother and I am thankful for your candor.
I am very exited about the upcoming Mono Meeting over in Boston. Unless my name comes up to fulfill a Tech School seat, I should be able to make it to the Boston meeting.
As far as technical IT projects, I am trying to put together a few new installers (an Experimental Mono for Windows, and a couple of Gtk# for .NET ones). If all goes well, I plan to package MonoDevelop on the Experimental Installer. Daniel, I think I will be using GTK+ 2.8.18 and not 2.10 since I will be trying to match the GTK and GNOME found on SLED10.
Comments: Departures and Arrivals
Hi! In respect to technical IT projects subject, I am very excited about the news of MonoDevelop on Windows. I will try your experimental installer just when you announce it, so as to provide any possible and useful feedback.
Congratulations for the new birth of your friends.
You probably don't remember me, but you helped me get your mono plugin for Visual Studio installed and working during Brainshare last spring; and you placed a picture of the back of my head on your Blog. (This was good since it proved to my wife that I was really there!)
As a 26-year veteran of Uncle Sam's Air Force, I applaud your decision. I believe you have done it for the right reason, and I wish you and your family well.
I'm sure you will blog about the goings-on at the Boston meeting, but if you can't make it, where else can I follow the proceedings (or at least the results)?
Best of luck to you - you're an inspiration.
Hey Paco,
Congrats on getting into the Reserves!
I really enjoyed the comments on your last blog. As you are likely aware, I've been opposed to the war in Iraq but have made an effort to keep the distinction between the Foreign policies of the gov't from the soldiers who's lives are affected. I like your thinking here and you've got my support.